The Security-Tools Database -

Welcome to the official sectool-db project webpage. Bugfixes, patches, translations, suggestions and comments are greatly welcome! Please use the mailing lists and the forums!

News: sectool-db-0.9.5 is about to be released soon!
(July, 1st, 2002)

     Project Description - or: What is it good for?

The Security-Tools Database is a handy tool for security administrators, like me. In my daily job, I find lots of interesting tipps about security tools (e.g. in the web or in several newsletters). Some of them are really worth, to remember, when needed. But how to remember a neat tool, which maybe useful for a specific problem or task?

Since a lot of month, I collected such tool tipps using a plain textfile. This kind of information storing is of course absolutly unuseful, because of the permanently growing number of tool tipps. It is absolutely unuseful for an easy way of finding the right tool tipps from such a big list. So I started thinking about a database tool, which stores the tool tipps in an easy to find way, where I can find tool descriptions, their download links and so on by using any kind of key combinations when searching for them.

In this way, the tool has a neat key feature: One of the most important sources for tipps about security tools is the periodical newsletter from In each newsletter, they have got a section "Top 6 Security Tools". Very often, they describe really neat and handy security-tools there. Since the layout of that tool tipps is fixed, it is very easy, to copy information from the newsletter into the clipboard and paste it from the clipboard into the Security-Tools Database (wich is running in a web browser). There, the copied + pasted data is  parsed into particular database fields, so that one tool tipp can easily brought into the database. (A tool tipp from that newsletter consists of a tool name, a description (like this text), a list of supported OS plattforms, version number, developer name, tool homepage, download link, and so on).

All tool tipps in the database are of the same format. So it is easy to search for any combination of keys like OS, purpose, developer, key words and so on. Of course, the Security-Tools Database is able to store tool tipps found anywhere else. In such cases, the users will have to enter each particular data in the appropriate database field manually.

The Security-Tools Database is completly "offline" (no connect to the internet is needed). The data, it stores, must be entered manually or by copy + paste.

This software is written in PHP. The data storage is the MySQL database system. You, as an enduser of this software, only need  PHP, MySQL and a web browser and -server. The Security-Tools Database itself is plattform independent because of PHP.

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© by Ansgar H. Licher - Last Change: 2002-07-04 by Ansgar